Saturday, December 20, 2008

All That Glitters Is Gold

So, I realize I've been back in Japan for awhile and haven't posted a new review lately, not even a quick review of a generic-crazy-haired-rage-filled-Japanese-school-girl-horror movie that are so prevalent here they give them away with Happy Meals. (Not the movies, the ghost girls.) 

But, I have a good excuse.

I haven't watched any movies. (Unless you count Get Smart as a movie, and I don't.)

See, I've been too busy watching Twilight The Series.

Sorry. That picture confused me. I meant Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This picture confused the crap out of me. 

I'm watching seasons 1 - 7 straight through and I must say...I HATE RILEY, AND DAWN, AND SEASON 1 AND 2 ANGEL, AND DAWN, AND SEASONS THAT DON'T HAVE FAITH, AND DAWN, AND JOYCE (she's a complainy pants) OH AND DAWN!

I'm not even sure I'll make it through season Season 5 without shooting up a post office since I have to deal with both Riley AND Dawn. 

Oh, I'm sorry! I realize some of you may never had sean Buffy (being bred on such drivel as um...Twilight) so let me sum it up with this totally awesome picture that sums up all 7 seasons.

As you can see, its a Fabio-style romance series with music by Evanescence. 

So, again, I appologize - I'll be taking a break for some movie watching between Buffy Season 7 and Angel Season 1. Loves!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Guam Movie Festival

Yes, they have movies there…and they suck…

That’s not completely true. There is something special about an entire country only having two theaters – one resembling the theater frequented by Zack and sweet, sweet Kelly on Saved by the Bell, and one claiming to be “Guams ONLY stadium-style theater!”

Mind you, it’s not particularly hard to be Guam’s ONLY anything.

Which brings us to two amazing cinematic feasts…

…of poo.

Let’s start with Max Payne.

I was hopeful, dare I say excited, going into this movie. I apparently forgot that A) videogame movies suck B) the movie based on a M rated game was only PG-13 and C) videogame movies suck. (Disclaimer: Resident Evil/Silent Hill movies ROCK FACES OFF! It’s science!)

There is something very wrong with the actors and acting when Meg from the Family Guy is the most convincing character as a Russian Slut Killer. Marky Mark, apparently forgetting he at one time acted in such movies as The Italian Job and The Happening, reverted back into his pre-Sega CD hit Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch Make Your Own Video school of acting. I actually felt sorry for him. He looked confused and in the desperate need of some Tylenol. I would be confused to if some douche wrote a script that basically amounted to, “Hey cameraman, let’s copy that sweeping crane shot they used in Spiderman and transition into that sweeping crane shot they used in Superman and then transition into that sweeping crane shot they used in Mary Kate and Ashley Olson’s Great Hello Kitty Adventure! Marky Mark…you just stand there with brow furled. EXCELLENT! Oh, and add some CG demon/angel thingies just for the HELL OF IT! No, No, they’re symbolic of…something…I promise! I think.”

This movie proves Nordic Drug Induced Mythology sucks. I give it: .62 Jimmy Buffet Albums.

Next up, Eagle Eye!

Now, here’s a safe bet. I mean, Shia Ledouche and Steven Spielberg together again! Look how good that worked out in Indiana Jones 4!


So, this movie started out with a bang. In fact, if you walked out of the theater after the first 15 minutes congratulate yourself – this movie is on its way to receive the ultimate score of One Million Hotdogs!

However, if you stayed long enough to find out the creepy phone chick was just a scorned/PMSing super computer that wanted her boyfriend to become President by careful manipulation of stoplights then you suck at life.

This movie gets 2 and a half Indiana Jones 4’s which technically creates a negative vortex of suck.

Korean Movie Festival

Hey, there’s more to love there than just Juicy Girls!

Ok, I really did attend the Pusan International Film Festival while in Korea. And by attend, I mean I walked by the information booth on my way to Pizza Hut to eat my Bulgogi and Kimchi Personal Pan Pizza.

But, I did frequent the bootleg DVD shops while I was there (which I don’t condone and ABSOLUTELY DID NOT buy about 25,000 won (or $.99) worth of DVDs.) Besides, they looked legit in their plastic baggies and black and white cover art.

Of the movies I didn’t buy I’ve watched two so far:

First off, Death Race!


There is nothing really to say. It has Jason Statham (voted sexiest man alive by my wife and several co-workers, not to mention the hardest working omniscient being in Hollywood.) And it’s based on Death Race 2000 which actually came out in like 197X(?)!

Based on my No Child Left Behind Rating System, Death Race and Death Race 2000 both receive a rating of 900,000 Hotdogs. Just short of the ultimate rating allowed by God.

Where Death Race features no plot and ample blood and guts, Death Race 2000 features Sly Stalone, Kill Bill and blood and boobs. Also, it left us with the little game where you get points for hitting old blind children on walkers with your car. Come on! You know you played it when you were 16!


Then there is The Happening.

M. Night Shamamamamamamamamamalyn is really losing his touch. I bet his next movie’s “twist” will consist of him coming out at the end of the movie and laughing at us for watching his crap.

And while I love my dear sweet Zooey Deschanel, her Prozac induced coma look didn’t really do anything for me.

The biggest disappointment for me was the much hyped R Rating. My daughter’s Dora DVDs have more violence in them when Dora beats down that damn fox. I forget what this movie is about, but I’m pretty sure it has to deal with some chick who lives in a pool and sees dead aliens. One day she escapes her pool only to discover that … M. Night Shamamamamammamamamamamlyn sucks.

It’s okay though. I’ll still be in line to watch his next movie.

This movie gets 2 Queen Latifa’s. And trust me – that’s more than enough for anybody.  

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Konichiwa Bitches!

Sorry, I realize the last time I updated was when Libertarians had a shot at the white house, but I'm back! Ok, maybe not. I leave again for all lands Pacific in another couple of days. But I'll be back before Turkey Day, And that's good. Cause that's when all the good horror movies hit. I also get to spend Halloween in Guam dressed as a monkey flinging chocolate pudding a passers-by. Don't ask.

Japan, though, is AMAZING! I could try to describe how amazing, but why do that when this one picture can say everything:

No soup cans will stop Bruce Campbell! Yes, this is the actual Japanese movie poster for Army of Darkness. 

Unfortunately, I don't really have any reviews to give you just now. The only really scary movie I've seen recently was Top Gun. This movie must have been truly groundbreaking when it first came out in the 80's with its graphic portrayal of homosexuality in the armed forces. I'm sure the Navy was not happy with the implication that they allowed oiled up homo volleyball matches at their famous "Top Gun Academy". 

Top Gun gets 3 FABulous Hello Kitties!

I'm going to go check out the Pang Brothers latest...see ya'll in a few!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Are you there God? It's me, Baby Jesus.

Sorry for the deafening silence. I've been busy watching totally awesome movies, and getting ready to go to Japan where I will (presumably) watch more awesome movies, try to meet Takashi Miike, and try not to rape Japanese schoolgirls with machine gun arms. But, have no fear - the reviews should start flying this week. I've got a lot of catching up to do: Bloodsucking Freaks, Redneck Zombies, Toxie, Terror Firmer, Death Race 2000, Alien Apocalypse, Bubba Ho-Tep...

See you in a few bitches!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Vagina Dentata Baby!

OSOL! (I hear it's catching on ... like Fetch!)


Tonight I saw quite possibly the most amazing horror/thriller/comedy ever:

Whoa! It's like a horror version of Saved! McCauley Culkin could play the Vagina!

Ok, let me explain. Good Christian Girl here believes in purity and preaching the joys of virtue to the world. Unfortunately, she gets taken advantage of and almost raped ... twice. Good thing her Vagina has teeth huh? 

Words can't do this movie justice. So let me leave you with this counter:

Penis decapitations (?): 3
Penises eaten by some kind of animal: 2
Fingers bitten off: 4
Incest (almost): 1 (don't worry - it was comical incest!)

I give this movie 42 Prince Albert's!

Look! Here's 'ol girls OBGYN visit gone bad:

Best vagina movie of the year! I can't wait for the sequel: Boobs of Terror!

Sunday, June 15, 2008 Strikes Again!

A good rule of thumb is that if says something is good, stay far, far away from said good thing. I'm pretty sure they have a quote on the side of cigarette packages that says, "The best herbal product since strychnine! And so healthy too!" - bloody-disgusting .com.

Which brings me to Otis. Or more specifically the quote on the cover art. "It's Juno for the horror set." - Damn you! I fell for your lies again! 

Apparently, to be Juno for the horror set all you need is some kind of plot and a set of parents, one of which that somewhat resembles Allison Janney and BAM! - instant Juno

This movie gets 1 and 1/16 Act II popcorn bags.

And to think, with a little effort it good have achieved Orville Redenbacher status.

Since, it is hard to find a good picture that represents this movie, I leave you with this:

"It's like Juno for the stupid 'my pets went missing because I'm a crappy pet owner' genre!" -

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Blood, Guts, and Rock N Roll!

I saw two movies today that have changed my life forever. It's possible they took the maximum quota of awesomeness allotted to the Universe (which totals 64) and shoved it right into my face. 

We start with:

I shouldn't even have to write a review on this one. The cover art says it all. But I'll lay out the plot for you anyhow. See, Japan is a beautiful, gun-free utopia. But they have one dirty little secret. A massive bully problem.  (No, this isn't the plot - this is just my observations on Japan through my historically accurate DVD collection.) So anyhow, Hot Girl's brother and his friend are being bullied (see?) by the son of the local Yakuza boss and his friends. They eventually kill them because they couldn't pay up on their 200,000 yen milk money debt. So Hot Girl takes revenge and gets herself chopped to pieces, because, well, if she succeeded so early on the movie would be over too soon. Fortunately, the spirit of her dead brother leads her mangled body to a friendly mechanic couple who put her back together with a machine gun arm. 

(Yes, that's a decapitated body behind her!) So she and Hot Mechanic Lady (who has a very Bruce Campbell chainsaw arm) go and exact their revenge. The End. 

Ok, the plot is weak - but that's where this movie actually shines. You see, normally Japanese movies can be kinda slow and try to get all artsy with their deep talky plots (like the British and their constant door opening and matchstick counting) but not this flick. It starts with about 1 million decapitations before the main title even pops up. In fact, I'm pretty sure the title decapitates somebody. I give this flick 10 meatballs

Why meatballs? Because this movie is from the creator of Death Trance and...

What can I say about Meatball Machine? Nothing at all. Ok something. The best I can figure is its an adult version of The Power Rangers. Okay, that doesn't do it justice because it's so much more. It's a love story of forbidden love. It's a sci-fi thriller meets moral decisions in a post-9/11 world. It's ... 

Well, maybe this picture will help:

No? Oh, I get it - I wasn't clear. She's being driven by this little guy who's attached on her shoulder:

Makes sense now right?

My head hurts.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Oh My God Becky, Look at Her Butt!

... and look at George A. Romero's Diary of the Dead!


I have to admit, I went into this film a little apprehensive. After all, it is from Dimension EXTREME which brought us such hits as Black Sheep and DOA - and such misses as Automaton Transfusion (yuck!) and ... DOA. This is how Cloverfield should have been done. The sad part is this film was shot in 20-something days on 1/760000th of the budget. And did I mention it was amazing?

You got to hand it to Romero. Think about it. The man is old enough to have created the genre with Night of the Living Dead in 19-and-freaking-68 and 40 years later he has possibly put out the most well made and relevant sequel - nay - movie in decades. Political as always, but fun. And I love the way they actually explained how they got music and various angles into a supposed documentary. That has always bothered me with these types of films. I also love how annoyed they get with the fact that some idiot has a camera attached to his face the whole movie. Keep an ear out for voice cameo's by Guillermo del Toro, Stephen King, Simon Pegg and Quentin Tarantino.

Did I mention this movie is Amazing?

Ok, enough gushing. That's no fun. So onto this...

Warning. Here be spoilers. Maybe.

Wow! So... Yeah... Indiana Jones huh?

Well, let's just say if I didn't know any better I'd think George Lucas had something to do with this flick. Oh wait...

To be fair, it is possible to enjoy this movie. Just remember to suspend all belief before walking in the theater. And that's saying something for a series that features face melting Nazi's, thousand year old knights, and heart-removing crazy dudes. 

I was really worried at the beginning when evil girl busted out with the ESP powers - thank the Lords of Kobol that the writers even thought this was a dumb idea and never mentioned it again. 

I was even more worried when I saw CG monkeys. Imagine how relieved I was when I found out they were only used to advance the plot by showing Shia Labeouf how to swing through the jungle on vines like Tarzan and land perfectly in a car being driven 70 mph.

I was especially worried when, at the end of the movie, it looked like the Mayan temple turned into a giant flying saucer and flew off into the sunset. Imagine my relief when...

No wait. It actually turned into a damn flying saucer and flew away.


This movie gets half a Jar Jar Binks.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Don't Tell Ronnie: Environmentalists Can Be Funny! (But hippies still suck - this means you Oregon!)

"If you fascists have hurt him I'll organize the biggest sit in this farm has ever seen!" 

And so starts Black Sheep. A Dimension EXTREME title that doesn't suck goat testicles. Sorry Botched, but if ever a movie deserved to be compared to Severance or Shaun of the Dead - this one does. The Brits (or Aussie's in this case) or sooo much better at British humor. Imagine that.

"Oh my God!"


"The Feng Shei in this room is terrible."

Oh you zany, bloody brits...

There's not much to say about this movie other than it's solid gold. And about sheep. Picture The Texas Chainsaw Massacre only with chainsaw wielding sheep. Now take away the chainsaws and you have Black Sheep. Or maybe Jaws only with sheep instead of sharks and not in the water. Or Aliens only...

Nevermind. It's about sheep. And it's funny. Not in that, "Hi! I'm Dane Cook, and I suck!" funny, but more like that, "Do you have a flag?" Eddie Izzard funny.

I give this movie Sputnik! Make that 2...WAY UP!

Oh...and I'm pretty sure the bad dude totally gets it on with a sheep. So...BONUS!

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Comedy Musings of Tolstoy!

Who knew Russians were so funny? Wait, they're not. In their defense, I'm pretty sure Russia sucks. I mean, why else are they coming across our borders and stealing all our jobs? But when a movie touts the line, "If you liked movies like Severance and Shaun of the Dead you will definitely get a kick out of this BRILLIANT HORROR COMEDY," you expect a guffaw or two. In retrospect I should have known they were up to something - who the hell puts an entire paragraph blurb on the front of the box? And why is Stephen Dorff in it?

Botched tries to master the art of British "awkward funny." Instead, its just awkward. These people have all the excitement and joy of a Celebrating Stalin Convention - Trust me, that's Russia's equivalent of E3.

It has a stellar cast though. A grumpy fat russian man. A grumpy ex-russian solider. A grumpy hot chick. A grumpy stupid guy. An old grumpy fat Jesus-lady.

Look! Here's Grumpy Hot Chick killing Grumpy Jesus-lady, presumably 'cause she's grumpy!

Why is this funny? Well, because she's killing her ... with a nail file! HILARIOUS! (?!?!?!?)

I give this movie one of these:

Now that's Zany!

Moving on to a good movie.

Gun Crazy: The Woman From Nowhere.

Now that's a movie title. This movie features everything good about Japanese cinema. It also shows how much Japan hates Americans. Sure our Marines rape their children and back over them accidently with our tanks, but forgive and forget right? Not only are the American soldiers in this movie represented as raving lunatic-murdering-idiots, but they actually dub their voices with even dumber English voice actors saying even dumber things. It's awesome to see an English dude dubbed over in English. You can only imagine the director was like, "Stupid American actor. I am directing a new version of Hamlet! It will be Fantabulous! Just read these lines. That's right! Excellent! Of course I'm not going to record over all your dialog in post-production and make you look like the idiots you really are. HAHAHAHAHA!"

Or something.

And since I couldn't find a totally awesome picture of the main character killing the bad guys with her rocket launcher leg (you heard that right) I'm leaving you with this picture of the actress on the latest issue of J-POP Monthly. 

Oh, by the way, this movie will rock your face off! And if you have ADD, its only like 70 something minutes long. 70 minutes of PURE AWESOME!

Which brings us to:

Coffin Sitter 2: I Hate Underwear!

Wait, no, that's Death Trance

First of all, the title alone screams RADICAL! But the movie is superb. You'd be forgiven if you had no idea what the movie was about based on the picture so allow me to clarify. It's about a perpetually hungry ninja that stole a coffin and drags it around behind him with a little girl. Now the locals thinks he eats little girls but that's just not true - he drinks milk. So rival ninja's and spider vampire ninja's and zombie ninja's and hot ninja's and gay ninja's go after him because (of course) the coffin grant's your wishes. But the coffin dude is actually a fallen angel with amnesia and has to go to heaven to fight in a huge final "war in heaven" battle. Makes perfect since. 

Oh, and it's historically accurate. See... 

This movie gets 11 Gay Ninja's! The Happy Kind!

... Happily Homosexual.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Dane Cook Is Not Funny!

He’s not.

So get him off my Battlestar Galactica. Seriously, Anders – you got to go.

Sorry, I’ll leave the TV talk to my wife.

Ok, at the risk of sounding gay, Stardust was a good movie. And the Coca-Cola Polar Bears are a cute advertising campaign. So putting them together and calling it The Golden Compass sounds like an obvious idea to create a shear awesome quota of 1 bazillion. Instead, it turned into one of my long-time reoccurring nightmares. 

Those cute ‘lil bears from the previews look so cuddlely don’t they? Well, in this scene they’re discussing ways to eat her face off!

I have never seen  movie so intent on making me pee my bed when thinking about monkeys, polar bears, Catholics or Nicole Kidman.

I had a friend say she would watch this movie just for Daniel Craig. Unfortunately, Mr. Bond was only in the film for a total of 2.2 seconds. Unless you count the part where it shows him somewhere else doing something that has no bearing on the movie, at which point we can up the count to 2.4 seconds.

I give this film 1 New Coke.

That’s actually a bit harsh. Upon further reflection, if a movie is scary enough to give me face eating nightmares it deserves a re-review.

As a Harry Potter replacement the 1 New Coke stands.

As a psychological horror film it gets 6 C2: Coke 2 (Same great taste, ½ the Sugar!)


So I watched The Ruins the other day.

It was the most horrifying plant horror movie since The Day of the Triffids. So, yes – it was about as scary as jam. But it did have talking flowers. SCARY!

I give it a I Hope You Die On Deadly Nightshade.

Anyhow, on to Shutter.

I liked this movie the first time I saw it when it was called…er…Shutter. Really, the Asian Ghost Girl remakes have to stop. This one might have been scary – I’m not sure, I’m pretty desensitized – but it was mostly just “eh.” I must give it props for a great ending/twist. Who would have thought that all of Pacey’s back problems were due to the fact that the ghost was haunting him … while riding him piggyback THE WHOLE MOVIE! A piggyback riding ghost…EEEEEK! So basically this movie redeems itself in the last 5 HILARIOUS minutes. Best comedy remake ever.

Abnormal Beauty blew my mind in that I’m going to sneak up and get you way Audition did. I was about ready to pass this movie off as another dullsville crazy Asian girl Horror film when suddenly that crappy story arc resolved itself and we went all Slasher/Saw. Wh-Wh-What? I haven’t been this surprised since crazy girl in Audition piano-wired ol’boys hands and feet off. Or maybe since Doomsday. Mmmm…Doomsday.

HotDog Magazine calls Abnormal Beauty, “blisteringly weird and genuinely disturbing.” I tend to agree with them even though I have my reservations as to why a magazine about tasty, tasty meat products is reviewing a movie. Of course, they couldn’t be any worse than Bastards. You know what I’m talking about.

So I give Abnormal Beauty 6 Keanu Reeves’ Whoas.

And I want to leave you with this:

I like to check the local second-run theater’s web site out every day to see what’s showing that evening. Today I was treated to an extra special treat. Observe this quote taken straight form the theater’s description of Superhero Movie:

“With unimaginable strength, unbelievable speed and deeply uncomfortable tights, will the Dragonfly be able to stop the sands of The Hourglass and save the world? More importantly, will we stop laughing long enough to notice?” 

I don't know? Will we? 


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Attack of the (Matrix) Clones!

First, let me say I finally saw Juno. Fantabulous! I'd totally "chair" her.


The other day I watched:

This is by far the worst of the Matrix sequels. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure was way better, and so was this ...

See, this movie even has the balls to say "FORGET 'THE MATRIX'!" - IN ALL CAPS! 

Also a good Matrix sequel was Ultraviolet with my honey Mila, if you can handle the Lisa Frank color scheme.

However, by far the best sequel to The Matrix is House of Fury.

Abso-frakin-mazing! Everything a great slo-mo action kung-fu movie should be. Sibling fights to the death at the dinner table over the last piece of chicken! Sibling fights to the death over remote controls! Just like a real family. I suppose. And it's from the action director of Kung-fu Hustle! It says so on the box. Now, read that carefully. The action director of Kung-fu Hustle. Not the director. That's like saying, "Featuring the same catering service used on Speed 2: Cruise Control!" 

Which brings me back to The Matrix Reloaded. This movie is a lot like Herpes or the Stomach Flu. It's better the second time around - but not by much. I was impressed they pulled out all the stops for this one and rotated the camera the opposite direction during jump kicks sometimes. Sure, I love techno orgy/raves as much as the next guy, but not even Keanu Reeves bum and Carrie-Ann Moss's boob plug-ins could save this pile. 

So I rate the Matrix movies as follows:

The Matrix - AWESOME!
The Matrix Reloaded - Raise your hand if your brother's a homo!
The Matrix Resomething - Pudding! Hey at least its over maybe and it's better than The Passion of the Christ!
House of Fury - Fantabulous!
Equilibrium - 4 Sean Bean's up...WAY UP!
Ultraviolet - A brand-spankin new Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper!

Next up, Semi-pro...

Does this look funny too you? Does it? WELL, DOES IT?! 

Because it's about as funny as a bear attack. Which incidentally actually happened the other day involving the actual bear used in the movie. Apparently, the bear hated the movie so much he killed his trainer. Really. This movie isn't an epic fail necessarily, just incredibly lame. Sure, there was some laughs. At least 3. I counted.

I give it an 11. On a scale of One Million.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Yo-Yo's and Cow Demons

"The power you wield is that of ... JUSTICE!"

So begins Sukeban Deka 2: Counter-attack of the Kazama Sisters. In this one Sukaban Deka III (they're all conveniently numbered so you don't get them confused) has to stick it to the man. Apparently, the law is too lawful and she must take her stand for lawful lawlessness. Or something. They do stuff like, you know, kill you for truancy. Or selling nuclear weapons in school. I'm particularly satisfied that truancy and nuclear proliferation warrant the same punishment. Basically, its a touching story of when good yo-yo carrying school police forces go bad and must be stopped ... AT ALL COSTS!

The kickin' 80's soundtrack is back for this one but this time it's supplemented with music composed by the guy that did The People's Court or maybe the undergound levels in Super Mario Bros. You can also tell this is a sequel because it really ups the ante on excitement. Like adding blades to the Yo-Yo's making them Scythes of Death (I'm copywriting that). And dressing all the good bad guys good guys (whatever) as the Foot Clan.

So anyhow, unfortunately for the bad guys, when the Yo-Yo wielding Nazi youth kill the Kazama sisters mentor Mr. Yoda (no, really) it's time for Yuma and Yuki to join Yui and spring into action. That's Sukaban Deka I, II, and III for those keeping count.

"They're just little kids (!) ... why are you being so merciless with those yo-yo's!?!? - Sukaban Deka III (Yui Kazuma)

Why indeed?

I give this movie 17 blazing Filipino Yo-Yo's! The killing kind.

Now it's Takashi Time!

So, I can't believe I've never reviewed the solid gold that was Takashi Miike's Gozu.

In typical Miike fashion this movie is fraked. It's all about a dude that has a hit put on him by his own people because he's gone crazy and believes specially trained puppies and sedans are out to kill him. He ends up dead (I won't actually ruin the plot for you with the hows and whys) and lost when his buddy (who's sent to kill him) loses his corpse from the back seat of his mustang when he stops in a cafe for a drink. Not confused yet? Well hang on a tic. So his buddy starts looking for him everywhere, including an inn with a lactating inn keeper who bottles her boobie milk for sale and gets visited by ...

Yes, a cow demon. So eventually buddy boy finds a chick who claims to be his long lost boss (the corpse). He has sex with her (cause who wouldn't) and gets his penis stuck in her. Well, it turns out something grabbed it...

And then comes the best birth scene since Knocked Up...

Yep, thats his lost boss man. Oh, he was IN the lady...duh!

And they all joined hands and skipped to a freeze frame...really.

I can't say anything witty to that. How could you. I'm also forgoing a rating. It's Takashi Miike. Either you rushed to buy it the second I said Miike or your shut off your computer.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Sukeban Deka Baby!

I'm sure you're all aware of my love affair with Yo-Yo Girl Cop! Well, apparently Japan has been catering to the needs of Japanese-schoolgirls-turned-deadly-ninja-yo-yo-assassin-law-enforcement-agents fans for sometime now. 

Enter Sukaban Deka and Sukaban Deka 2: Counter-Attack of the Kazama Sisters!

These things have been pumping out since the 80's and these movies encompass everything that was great about the 80's and silent yo-yo killers.

If you don't remember, the 80's was that awesome time that was just like the 90's - only ten years earlier.  This movie took that awesomeness and combined it with a killer 80's J-pop soundtrack and all the things that made the decade Magnum P.I. and the Iron Eagle movies. And Robocop 3. And New Coke. And communism.

You know Robocop had a series. I think it was called Robocop: The Series.

So anyhow, this chick reluctantly has to leave her wonderful pre-college/post-yo-yo ninja assassin life behind and rescue the poor children of HELL CASTLE.

Which is actually a school. (Japan's education system is a bitch.)

I won't give anything away (except maybe the middle and end) but she ends up fighting this dude WHO HAS A METAL HAND! Take that George Lucas!

Turns out he is really a cyborg that was reconstructed as PURE EVIL when he got blowed up good in an earlier movie that doesn't exist.

Hmmm...robocop much? Ahh...the 80's.

Anyhow, she defeats them with the most cunning tactic ever employed in any movie I've ever seen. Immediately after the big reveal that he is a CYBORG OF DOOM she kills him with a jump cut!

No really. The scene jumps from his very much alive face to her running from the exploding building he was just in.

Lazy editing you say? Nay! Ballsy as hell. I don't like to be spoon-fed the plot so this movie was perfect. It just omitted it.

Imagine how much better Star Wars would have been if Vader said, "Luke, I am your father!" and then the death star blew up.


I give this movie a ...

The End

(did you see what I just did? yep, I'm clever.)

If you're really good, maybe I'll tell you what the sequel was about when I review Gozu

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Professor Boll and His Nazi Gold

So I'm sure you all know who Uwe Boll is. "Only the greatest motion picture creator in the known universe!" you say? Well then you're crazy. But he did give us this:

The movie had frakin Sir Ben Kingsley, Michelle Rodriguez AND...


MEATLOAF AND HIS WIG...AND...REAL WHORES! (No really, Uwe said it was cheaper to hire actual Romanian prostitutes. AWESOME!)

So anyway, my point - Uwe Boll says and does some really dumb things. The latest is in response to an actual internet petition going around to stop Uwe Boll from making any more movies. Well Uwe Boll agreed to it if it got 1 million votes. 

It did. 


So today he responded to it with this: (Warning: The following came from the mouth of Uwe Boll so be prepared to be confused and possibly offended, but I feel it is my duty to bring all the Uwe Boll news Fox and CNN is scared to present - also all errors are a direct quote from Mr. Boll)

"Hi, here's Uwe Boll, and I have a statement to make about that internet petition. There's a petition out, 'Stop Uwe Boll,' and I said like 1 million people on the petition, I stop actually making movies. I want that there's a petition out there, like a pro-Boll petition, and I expect a million votes pro-Boll. I hope somebody would set it up and you all start signing it, because look: I'm not a fucking retard like Michael Bay or other people running around in the business, or Eli Roth making the same shitty movies over and over again. If you really look at my movies, you will see my real genius, you know? And if you go on May 23 and Postal, you will see that I deliver a movie what nobody else delivered in the last 10 years -- what is way better as all that social critic George Clooney bullshit what you get every fucking weekend. So you have to really wake up and you have to see me what I am. I'm the only genius in the whole fucking business. Goodbye."

I'll keep you posted as more develops and as more huge actors lose their minds and appear in his films.

The following is a memorial in honor of the actors who have risked their careers working with Uwe Boll:

Clint Howard
Bif Naked
Christen Slater
Tara Reid
Stephen Dorf
Kristanna Loken
Michael Madsen
Meat Loaf
Billy Zane
Michelle Rodriguez
Sir Ben Kingsley
Jason Statham
Leelee Sobieski
John Rhys-Davies
Ron Perlman
Claire Forlani
Mathew Lillard
Ray Liotta
Burt Reynolds
Verne Troyer
Lance Henricksen
Danny Trejo

And with SIX movies in production, only further casualties can come...