Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Let us have a moment of silence for a passing friend. You died so young. Okay, that's enough. That's right folks, Toshiba's HD-DVD format bit the dust today, leaving the market wide open for Sony's Blu-Ray. But does anyone care? So far the winner of DVD format war has been and still is ... drum roll ... DVD. With cheap up-convertors on the market and downloadable media becoming more and more viable Blu-Ray may share the same fate. Do I really need a Blu-Ray version of Logan's Run? Probably not. I definitely don't need it for $34.99. Sure, Blu-Ray could take off now with no competition, especially if the prices drop. It does have the advantage of having cover art and packaging you can hold, something downloads don't, but then again so does DVD for half the price. But who am I to argue with the successful juggernaut that is Sony. Just look at their success with Betamax, Minidiscs and UMD. Oh.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But Cheyenne-
What if I want to see Orlando Bloom's pores on his beautiful face? I can't get that experience on regular DVD!