Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Shipboard Shorts: Episode 01

Welcome to the first edition of Shipboard Shorts. With the help of my wifey, I’m going to try to post quick thoughts on all the crappy movies they show to poor Sailors stuck on big metal boxes in the Pacific. (It is my belief that these movies, combined with poor nutrition, lack of sunlight and close quarters are all part of a giant government social experiment on a level not seen since Nazi Germany.) My plan is to make this an almost daily update. Because that is what the world needs right now - more bad news.

So what movie did we see today? Well, I’ll give you a hint. When you think of a major motion picture franchise that could use a reboot or sequel, what is the first franchise that pops in your head? Street Fighter of course! Enter Street Fighter: The Legend of Chung Li! Or Street Fighter: The Chung Li Diaries. Something. I can’t remember the title. Not that it matters. Awesomeness on that level can’t have a name. Scientists tried it once during World War II and Hiroshima happened.

If you’re like me and the rest of the universe, the idea of another Jean-Claude Van Damme Street Fighter movie melted your face. Unfortunately, Jean was no where to be seen in this movie so I’m going to have to rate it on a system based on his tears.

Strangely, Chris Klein was present as a badass Interpol commando/agent. I never knew an agency solely responsible for DVD piracy had such a commando task force backing them. I’m definitely thinking twice before I rip any more Netflix movies. Crap. Interpol, I was just kidding! Please don’t send your Shock Troops to my door.

This movie could have been just a lame kung fu beat ‘em up if not for the awesome direction it took with the main character. Fresh off the success of Benjamin Button the director used a similar movie making trick. Apparently, as Chung Li aged she became more white and less Asian. She started as an 8 year old Chinese Girl and morphed into a 20 something white chick of Asian-y decent as the movie progressed.

I was very impressed at her acting skills. One example that sticks out to me is when her friend handed her an ornate ancient scroll and said, “This came for you in the mail today.” A lesser actress would have instantly walked off stage at that point and pursued a career in Broadway. But not Smallville girl. (By the way, Chung Li is played by a very Canadian Kristin Kreuk.) She took that script and made it her bitch. Ancient Scroll in the mail? Must happen everyday for her. Masterful!

On second thought, this was either the worst movie since Candyland: The New Adventures of Milton and Bradley, or the greatest episode of Smallville ever!

I give it 7 pints of Jean-Claude Van Damme tears.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Place Holder Title (Cause I'm just not that creative)

I'm sure some of you think I've abandoned my blog. The rest of you probably think I just haven't watched any movies. Neither is true. 

The problem is I just haven't seen any bad movies. How does a guy write a blog about awesomly bad movies when the worst movie I've seen recently is Watchmen? Besides the obvious giant blue penis jokes (obvious = boring) the movie wasn't bad. Star Trek was actually face melting - so no fun there. The biggest hope I had for fodder was Twilight which I finally saw ... Twice (don't ask). 

However, even though it seemed an easy target with its crap vampire "lore" (insert snickering) and strange romantic theory that gagging at the site of a girl and sneaking in her room at night to masturbate while she sleep's is romantic, it had one secret weapon of awesomeness up its sleeve. 


Sweet, sweet Alice.

Sweet, sweet Alice in a baseball uniform.

Nope. Can't say anything negative here.

Only thing possibly more awesome than Alice is a duology (because trilogy's are sooo 1999) I pulled out of my library to finally watch today. 

Night Watch and Day Watch

Warning for all you stupid American's out there: These movies are Russian. Which means GASP! subtitles. Do yourself a favor and watch them with subtitles. Night Watch especially - the subtitles are their own special effect. 


These movies are Fan-Frakin-Tastic. You'll love them. Your woman friend will love them. Your pets will love them. So if they're so Fraktastic why is it you never heard of them? 

Russian...hello?! American's can't handle a smart movie from farther away than California. It has to be remade first. Take Quarantine (oh yeah, I just watched that too. Good flick. Easy 72 out of 56.) It was a remake of a Spanish film...only one year old! 

American Mentality: 

History Channel: "We are going to restore this building to the way it looked over 50 years ago."


(Heavily plagiarized in part from Eddie Izzard the greatest man alive.)

What was I saying? Oh, Night/Day Watch. Right. Greatest take on Vampire lore ... EVER. Better than Buffy. Better than True Blood. Better than (snicker) Twilight (snicker). Mmmmm...Alice.

I give the duo 54 Lemon Chu-hi's.

I give her 1 trapezillion.